Literature Database on Gender in Subsahara Africa

Literature regarding Togo

agriculture ecology rural development climate changearts and cultureeconomy - formal and informal employment
economy - Householdseconomy - markets and traderseconomy - pastoralism
education schooling and tertiary educationhealth - fgc fgmhealth - HIV AIDS and gender
health - reproduction and fertilityhealth history colonialism and pre-colonial history
Literature media politics - wars violent conflicts
politics Religion - Christianity Religion - Islam
Religion - traditional rituals and spirit mediumshipRights - human rights violations gender based violence Rights - Women Human Rights and legal system
society - families marriagessociety - homosexuality / sexual minorities society - masculinities
society - migration and urbanisationsociety - women's organisations

agriculture ecology rural development climate change

Affo-Tenin, Koko N’Dabi (1993): „Susu“-Sparen und fliegende Bankiers, finanzielle Selbsthilfegruppen von Händlerinnen und Bäuerinnen bei den Bariba in Togo, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Volkswirtschaft des vorderen Orient, FU-Berlin, Working Paper No. 23, Berlin.[1165]

Dankelman, Irene / Davidson, Joan (1990): Frauen und Soja-Bohnen in Togo, in: Dankelman, Irene / Davison, Jean: Frauen und Umwelt in den südlichen Kontinenten, Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal, pp.39-41.[1166]

Klingshirn, Agnes (1982): Frauen in der ländlichen Entwicklung in Afrika, Fallbeispiele aus Ghana und Togo, Forschungsbericht des BMZ, Weltforum Verlag, München - Köln.[1167]

Koffi-Tessio, Egnonto (2001): Does more education lead to higher production or flight from agriculture? in: Webb, Patrick / Weinberger, Katinka (eds.): Women farmers, Enhancing rights, recognition and productivity, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., pp.119-127.[1168]

Sessi, Victoria (1995): Zur Bewahrung der Erde, Frauen in Kpele Adeta, in: Randzio-Plath, Christa / Mangold-Wegner, Sigrid (Hg.): Frauen im Süden - Unser Reichtum, ihre Armut, Dietz-Verlag, Bonn, pp.189-194.[1169]

arts and culture

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economy - formal and informal employment

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economy - Households

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economy - markets and traders

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economy - pastoralism

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education schooling and tertiary education

Biraimah, Karen Coffyn (1980): The impact of western schools on girls’ expectations: A Togolese case, in: Comparative Education Review, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 196-208.[2896]

Ulferts, Hella (1994): Schlüssel zur Zukunft - Bildung und Ausbildung für Mädchen und Frauen in ländlichen Gebieten Togos, Frankfurt a.M.[2897]

health - fgc fgm

Mullen Kreamer, Christine (1995): Transformation of power in Moba (Northern Togo) initiation rites, in: Africa, 65, 1, pp. 58-78.[3263]

health - HIV AIDS and gender

Speizer, Ilene / Mullen, Stephanie et al. (2002): Gender differences in cues that affect condome use among adolescents in Lomé, Togo, in: African Journal of Reproductive Health, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 70-81.[3960]

health - reproduction and fertility

Gage, Anastasia (1995): Women’s socio-economic position and contraceptive behaviour in Togo, in: Studies in Family Planning, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 264-277.[4866]

Lübbren, Julika (2000): ‘Kinderlos zu sterben, bedeutet keine Spuren zu hinterlassen’, Primäre und sekundäre Sterilität westafrikanischer Frauen und ihre individuellen und sozialen Auswirkungen, in: Curare, Nr. 23, 1, pp. 41-49.[4867]

Pilon, Mark (1994): Types of marriage and marriage stability, The case of Mobo-Gurma of Togo, in: Bledsoe, Caroline / Pison, Giles (eds.): Nuptiality in Sub-Saharan Africa, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 215-230.[4868]

Speizer, Ilene / Mullen, Stephanie et al. (2002): Gender differences in cues that affect condome use among adolescents in Lomé, Togo, in: African Journal of Reproductive Health, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 70-81.[4869]


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history colonialism and pre-colonial history

Lawrence, Benjamin (2003): La révolte des femmes, Economic upheaval and the gender of political autority in Lomé, Togo, 1931-1933, in: African Studies Review, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 43-67.[5627]


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Gehrmann, Susanne (2018): Remidiating romance, Forms and functions of new media in contemporary love stories fom Togo and South Africa, in: Africa Today, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 64-84.[6574]

politics - wars violent conflicts

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Religion - Christianity

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Religion - Islam

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Religion - traditional rituals and spirit mediumship

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Rights - human rights violations gender based violence

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Rights - Women Human Rights and legal system

Baerends, Els (1990): Woman is king, man a mere child, Some notes on the socio-legal position of women among the Anufom of North-Togo, in: Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, vol. 30/31, pp. 33-76.[11421]

society - families marriages

Locoh, Therese (1994): Social change and marriage arrangements, New types of union in Lome, Togo, in: Bledsoe, Caroline / Pison, Giles (eds.): Nuptiality in Sub-Saharan Africa, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 215-230.[8911]

Locoh, Therese (1995): Divorce and remarriage in West Africa, The situation in Togo, in: Population, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 61-93.[8912]

Pilon, Mark (1994): Types of marriage and marriage stability, The case of Mobo-Gurma of Togo, in: Bledsoe, Caroline / Pison, Giles (eds.): Nuptiality in Sub-Saharan Africa, Oxford University Press, New York, pp.215-230.[8913]

society - homosexuality / sexual minorities

Human Dignity Trust (2020): Country profile: Togo, Human Dignity Trust, London.[11945]

society - masculinities

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society - migration and urbanisation

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society - women's organisations

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